Holy Priest Best In Slot
Post by OscarDivine
Hey guys I would love to see a list of all the Holy Priest B-I-S Items! If anybody has a link, please post! Otherwise, I'd like to start up a list now! I will edit it as we continue to discuss the items and make amendments as we progress. This is Pre-Uldar btw, so we can be more prepared as we approach it! For now here's what I have:Main Hand:
Torch of Holy Fire Heroic Kel'Thuzad
*Prays that the Holy Pallies roll on Life and Death or Turning Tide instead***
Matriarch's Spawn Heroic Maexxna
Fading Glow Heroic Loatheb
Wand of the Archlich Normal Kel'Thuzad
T.5 Helm Heroic Kel'thuzad
Hood of Rationality If you can maintain 2 set bonus. Heroic Malygos
T7.5 Shoulders Heroic Loatheb
Mantle of the Locusts If you can sacrifice and still keep 2 set bonus. Heroic Anub'rekhan
T7.5 Robe Heroic Four Horsemen
Sympathy If you can sacrifice and still keep 2 set bonus. Heroic Sapphiron
Distorted Limbs Heroic Maexxna
Leggings of Mortal Arrogance Heroic Kel'Thuzad - suggested by SugarZombie
Leash of Heedless Magic Heroic Malygos
Arcanic Tramplers Heroic Malygos
Boots of Forlorn Wishes Heroic Razuvious / Gluth
I added in the second set of boots because they are far more easily accessible and more likely to be picked up. I feel they come in a very nice close 2nd place with a Reckless Monarch Topaz socketted. Some may call these boots interchangeable or equal.
Token Gloves of Respect Heroic Faerlina. What's that? BOE?
Unsullied Cuffs Heroic OS
Cape of the Unworthy Wizard Heroic Kel'Thuzad
Cosmic Lights Heroic Sapphiron
Ring #1:
Band of Channeled Magic 25 Valorous Badges
Ring #2:
Signet of Manifested Pain Heroic Kel'Thuzad
Trinket #1:
Darkmoon Card: Greatness
Majestic Dragon Figurine Heroic OS - As argued by Bean
Trinket #2:
Spirit-World Glass Gothik The Harvester (10-man)
Let's make changes to whatever items need changing, please list the item you think is better, why, and where it drops.
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Post by OscarDivine
Post by 174266
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.Post by OscarDivine
At a quick glance, I would use the Dragon Figurine from OS instead of Darkmoon Greatness - I think.
- Bean
Post by 174266
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.Post by OscarDivine
Edited for Bean's Suggestion for the Majestic Dragon FigurinePost by Ethix
the legs that drop off of 25 KT are best in slotPost by sugarzombie
I hope this gets stickied...I don't know how much weight you're putting on haste (vs crit), but I think Leggings of Mortal Arrogance are better.
... and Blanketing Robes of Snow for chest.
got wrists? Unsullied Cuffs
Post by OscarDivine
Haste should always trump Crit for a Holy priest, EXCEPT in the case of those leggings because they're really fantastic. I think if your haste is high enough these leggings (Mortal Arrogance) are easily best in slot.Post by OscarDivine
... and Blanketing Robes of Snow for chest.
I would disagree. Sympathy is better than T7.5 technically, but I still believe that keeping the robe for the 2 set bonus is most important.
Post by OscarDivine
Changes made to reflect T7.5 bonus vs no T7.5 bonus.Post by OscarDivine
I'd love to see what people think about the rings, which is a highly debatable area.Post by Paolo
'What class iz best dps plz'Lol after a certain point don't you think that gear choices might be situation-specific? Or tied to playstyle? The kind of question you're asking presupposes that there is one pinnacle ring, or one pinnacle set of boots, etc. Sure, in some cases that might be true (can you say 'ilevel 226'?), but in many cases it's much more flexible than that. Which is why folks like dwarfpriest include not just the #1 in slot (lol) but a list, several of which might actually be best for you. If WoW were played by a robot, then there would no doubt be more agreement, simply because results could be measured empirically and (somewhat) predictably.
'My trinkits iz better'
Damn I shouldn't have validated this thread by responding...
Post by cloudp
IMO this wand is better for holy:http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39426
(BTW, you probably mean paladins roll on The Turning Tide instead?)
Post by OscarDivine
IMO this wand is better for holy:http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39426
(BTW, you probably mean paladins roll on The Turning Tide instead?)
You know, I considered that item a well. I'll make a note of it as well up on top.
and yes, Turning Tide also. ;-) I think between 'Turning Tide' and 'Life and Death' pallies have more choices to fill the most elusive main hand slot item. I mean, Two fantastic main hand weapons in one instance? Priests can't be so lucky...

Post by OscarDivine
'What class iz best dps plz'Lol after a certain point don't you think that gear choices might be situation-specific? Or tied to playstyle? The kind of question you're asking presupposes that there is one pinnacle ring, or one pinnacle set of boots, etc. Sure, in some cases that might be true (can you say 'ilevel 226'?), but in many cases it's much more flexible than that. Which is why folks like dwarfpriest include not just the #1 in slot (lol) but a list, several of which might actually be best for you. If WoW were played by a robot, then there would no doubt be more agreement, simply because results could be measured empirically and (somewhat) predictably.
'My trinkits iz better'
Damn I shouldn't have validated this thread by responding...
First, please don't walk into this thread with your 'holier than thou' attitude. Secondly, I'm making a compilation of items that we as a community vote are best items for us as a class. Perhaps if you read instead of charging into your irate soliloquy of things we all know, you would have noticed that I AM noting multiple items under the item slots and not just single items. I use the term 'Best-In-Slot' loosely mostly because it is a term that most of us recognize and can know what this thread is discussing.
I hardly think that you can argue that situationally the Agonal Sash is superior to the Leash of Heedless Magic.
If you don't want to be a part of the thread, leave your flames in your pants and just walk away.

Post by 181026
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.Post by 166886
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.Post by OscarDivine
Technically, there IS a haste cap, but it's not realistic so just keep stacking. Please correct me someone if I'm wrong.Post by Ethix
Your list seems a bit odd. EJ has a quick reference gear thread-- http://elitistjerks.com/f77/t48058-healer_gear_quick_reference/You should distinguish between items for throughput and regen value.
Forethought Talisman (25 Naxx)
Egg of Mortal Essence (40 emblems)
Soul of the Dead (25 Saph)
Either one of the Malygos Quest Necklaces
Blanketing Robes of Snow (25 EoE)
Mantle of Dissemination (25 EoE)
I still don't know how to link items here... *sigh*
Best Potency Conduits for Holy Priests
Holy Priest Bis Tbc Phase 2
Holy-Specific Conduits
Conduit | Description | Raid verdict | Mythic+ Verdict |
Focused Mending | Increases the healing Prayer of Mending by a sizable amount. | Good HPS gain | Good HPS gain |
Holy Oration | Reduces your Holy words by a greater amount. | Good HPS gain | Good HPS gain |
Lasting Spirit | Increases duration and healing bonus of Guardian Spirit. Value is sizably increased in 5 mans if your tank is more self-heal focused (DH/Blood etc) | Niche | Excellent |
Resonant Words | Increases the healing of your next Flash Heal or Healby a sizeable amount after casting any Holy Word, including Holy Word: Chastise. | Great HPS gain | Great HPS gain |
Covenant-Specific Potency Conduits
Covenant Conduits are generally decent but not high priority compared to the base Holy options.
Covenant | Conduit | Description | Raid verdict | Mythic+ Verdict |
Kyrian | Courageous Ascension | Increases the damage of your Boon of the Ascended. | Minor HPS/DPS gain | Minor HPS/DPS gain |
Necrolord | Festering Transfusion | Increases Unholy Nova duration and damage. | Minor HPS/DPS gain | Minor HPS/DPS gain |
Night Fae | Fae Fermata | Your Fae Guardians leave behind a copy of your fairies for 60% effectiveness when you move them. | Minor gain | Minor gain |
Venthyr | Shattered Perceptions | Increases the damage and duration of Mindgames | Minor HPS/DPS gain | Minor HPS/DPS gain |
Best Raiding and M+ Potency Conduits for Holy Priest
Holy Priest has good value across their conduits and often will get strong value out of many of them. Focused Mending and Holy Oration require minimal extra work from the healer to produce results. Raids always place high importance on Prayer of Mending, Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Sanctify so that should come as no surprise. In dungeons, Prayer of Mending gains a lot more value in Shadowlands now that there is more regular group-wide damage present.
- Raids: Resonant Words > Holy Oration and Focused Mending
- Mythic+: Resonant Words and Lasting Spirit > rest
Resonant Words is your top option to increase the value of your next Heal especially with the high acceleration of Holy Words in dungeons and raids thanks to Apotheosis and the Flash Concentration legendary. Whether you have a tank with high self-healing or not Lasting Spirit is a must-have conduit in dungeons with how hard tanks get hit these days.
Best Endurance Conduits for Holy Priest
Conduit | Description | Raid verdict | Mythic+ Verdict |
Charitable Soul | Casts a small shield on yourself when you Shield an ally. Due to how nerfed Power Word: Shield has been, these shields aren't much. | Weak | Weak |
Condensed Anima Sphere | New conduit in 9.1, moderate defensive value. | Decent HPS gain | Decent HPS gain |
Light's Inspiration | Provides a HoT effect after casting the Desperate Prayer defensive. | Minor HPS gain | Minor HPS gain |
Translucent Image | Causes your Fade to provide damage reduction on demand. Priests' defense is limited, so having any damage reduction is helpful. |
Endurance conduits are much better and more universal than Finesse. Between raids and Mythic+, you'll often want to run the same conduits.
Best Finesse Conduits for Holy Priest
Conduit | Description | Raid verdict | Mythic+ Verdict |
Clear Mind | Situational use on encounters with frequent dispels. | Niche | Dungeon specific |
Mental Recovery | There's plenty of other slows in the game. This is either for PvP or World quests | Niche | |
Power Unto Others | Grants slight cooldown reduction to Power Infusion when you utilize it on an ally. Okay for Mythic+ | ||
Move with Grace | Now reduces the cooldown on Leap of Faith. Rarely do you ever need to use grip on cooldown. | Niche |
Holy Priest Best In Slot 8.3
Most of the finesse conduits are very niche or situational in their uses. Often you'll be best off grabbing double Endurance conduits to improve your survivability.
General Endurance/Finesse Priority
Holy Priest Best In Slot Classic
- Translucent Image: Top Priority
- Clear Mind: High priority if dispelling frequently, Mythic+
- Light's Inspiration: Medium/Low Priority
- Niche uses for Move with Grace, Power Unto Others, Mental Recovery